Objectives of Ultrasound
Abdomen, Pelvic Cavity, Ward Radiography, Theatre Radiography, Paediatric Radiography and
Mammography. This course also deals supplementary views for all parts of body.
5D Ultrasound Look Like.
What Does a 5D Ultrasound Look Like? A 5D ultrasound generates highly detailed and realistic images of the fetus in the womb. These images can vary in appearance, depending on the position of the fetus, the level of amniotic fluid, and other factors. However, in...
How Is a 5D Ultrasound Done
How Is a 5D Ultrasound Done? A 5D ultrasound is performed using specialized equipment that captures multiple two-dimensional images of the fetus from different angles, and then processes them using specialized software to create a real-time, high-definition moving...
4D Ultrasound.
What Is 4d Ultrasound ? A 4D ultrasound, also known as a 4-dimensional ultrasound, is a medical imaging technology that uses sound waves to create a three-dimensional image of a developing fetus in real-time, providing the added dimension of time. This means that not...
2D Ultrasound.
What Is 2D Ultrasound ? A 2D ultrasound scan is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create two-dimensional images of internal body structures. It is a non-invasive and safe way to visualize the inside of the body and is commonly used in...
History of Ultrasound.
History of Ultrasound. Historically, medical uses of ultrasound came about shortly after the close of World War II, derived from undetwater sonar research.Initial clinical applications monitored changes in the propagation of pulses through the brain to detect...
Velocity of Sound In Ultrasound.
What Is Velocity of Sound In Ultrasound? Velocity is the speed at which wave moves in medium. The velocity of sound in biological tissue is dependent on the physical properties of the tissue independent of the frequency. The velocity can be related to the frequency...
Speed Of Sound In Ultrasound.
What Is Speed Of Sound In Ultrasound? The speed of sound is the distance traveled by the wave per unit time and is equal to the wavelength divided by the period. The speed of sound is dependent on the propagation medium and varies widely in different materials....
Frequency of Sound In Ultrasound.
What Is Frequency of Sound In Ultrasound ? The frequency (j) is the number of times the wave oscillates through a cycle each second (sec). Sound waves with frequencies less than 15 cycles/sec (Hz) are called infrasound, and the range between 15 Hz and 20 kHz...
Wavelength Of Ultrasound.
What Is Wavelength Of Ultrasound? The wavelength (A) of the ultrasound is the distance (usually expressed in millimeters or micrometers) between compressions or rarefactions, or between any two points that repeat on the sinusoidal wave of pressure amplitude...
History of Ultrasound.
History of Ultrasound. Historically, medical uses of ultrasound came about shortly after the close of World War II, derived from undetwater sonar research.Initial clinical applications monitored changes in the propagation of pulses through the brain to detect...