What Is Noise Radiology.
The noise refers that is borrowed from electrical engineering. The radiographic noise is inherent in the image system. The low noise is a better radiographic image because it improves contrast resolution. There are four radiographic noise components are present. Films graininess, Structure mottle , Quantum mottle, Scatter radiation. Film graininess refers to distribution in size and space of silver halides graininess in emulsion. The structure mottle is similar to film graininess but the structure mottle refers to the phosphor of the radiographic intensifying screen. The film graininess and structure mottle are inherent in in the screen film image receptor. They are not under control the radiographer / technologist.
Quantum mottle refers to the random nature by which x-ray inherent with the image receptor. If the image is produced with few a x-ray, the quantum mottle will be higher then if the image formed from a large number of x-rays. The use of very fast intensifying screen results in increased quantum mottle. The quantum mottle is control under the radiographer / Technologist.