Darkroom Procedure During X-ray Film Processing.
To obtain the best results from the x-ray machine, following should be observed generally in darkroom.
1) Darkroom should be totally dark and no light should enter in the room.
2) Loading and unloading of films in the cassette should be done only in darkroom under stander safe light.
3) A qualified and trained radiographer should only be allowed to operate the x-ray equipment.
4) Film should be stored in dry and dark place.
5) The intensifying screen should be handled with care and wet fingers marks of any chemicals should not touch the screens.
6) The developer and the fixer solution should always be covered and preferably new solution to be prepared after every 2 months or 250 films which ever is earlier.
7) The temperature of Developer and fixer to be maintained between 25 to 30° C.
8) Solution should be stirred with Wooden stick each time films are dipped. Separate wooden sticks each for developer and fixer should be used.