by Author | Jun 16, 2023 | X-ray
What Is Radioactivity Kraftwerk ? “Radioactivity kraftwerk” is a song by the German electronic music band Kraftwerk. It was originally released in 1975 as part of their album “Radio-Activity” (also known as “Radio-Aktivität”...
by Author | May 7, 2023 | X-ray
What Is Pass Box In Darkroom ? Pass Box In Radiology is a device that is used to safely transfer film, photographic paper, or other light-sensitive materials between light-tight areas. The pass box is typically a light-tight chamber with two doors, one on each...
by Author | Apr 28, 2023 | X-ray
Mobile X-ray Units. Mobile x-ray units, also known as portable x-ray machines, are radiographic units that can be transported to the patient’s location to obtain x-ray images. They are used when the patient cannot be moved to the radiology department due...
by Author | Apr 26, 2023 | X-ray
What Is Portable X-ray Machine? Portable X-ray Machine is a type of X-ray machine that can be moved and brought to a patient who cannot come to a radiology department or clinic for imaging. It is designed for use in hospitals, nursing homes, home health care, sports...
by Author | Mar 17, 2023 | X-ray
What Is Anode Heel Effect ? The principle of anode heel effect is that, the intensity of the x-ray beam that leaves the x-ray tube is not uniform throughout all portion of x-ray beam. The x-ray beam attenuation is greater in anode anode direction than in the cathode...
by Author | Mar 5, 2023 | X-ray
what is x-ray control panel? X-ray control panel means a device which control input power to the x-ray high voltage generator and the x-ray tube. It includes equipment such as timers, photo timers, automatic brightness stabilizer and similar device which control the...