Best Radiology MCQs Part 9


These Best Radiology MCQs Part 9 cover a wide range of topic related to radiology , making them essential tool for anyone preparing for radiology exams or seeking to deepen their knowledge in the field.



1. The overall heart size in tetralogy of Fallot is usually

A. Markedly enlarged

B. Normal or relatively small

C. Slightly enlarged

D. Moderately enlarged.

Ans:- B


2. Diagnosis of aortic calcification is done by fluoroscopy by seeing

A. Side to side movement

B. Up and down movement

C. Combined movement

D. None

Ans:- A


3. In Urinary tract tuberculosis, frequent finding on plain film of abdomen is

A. Mass

B. Ileus

C. Calcification

D. Psoas abscess

Ans:- C


4. Pericardial calcification is caused by all except

A. Radiotherapy to the mediastinum

B. Methysergide therapy

C. Anticoagulant therapy

D. Benign pericarditis

E. Dermatomyositis

Ans:- E


5. Cystic dilation of collecting tubules are seen in

A. Adult polycystic kidney

B. Medullary sponge kidney

C. Horse shoe shaped kidney

D. Nephroblastoma

Ans:- B


6. During angiocardiography the mitral valve is best visualized in the

A. Frontal view

B. Lateral view

C. Right anterior oblique view

D. None of the above.

Ans:- C


7. The X-ray finding of small intestinal malabsorption syndrome are all except

A. Increased transit time

B. mucosal atrophy

C. Dilatation of bowel

D. Flocculation of Barium

Ans:- A


8. Right side of mediastinal shadow is not formed by


B. right innominate



Ans:- D


9. Best mode of imaging for suspected uric acid calculi is

A. Plain film of abdomen

B. Ultrasonography

C. Intravenous pyelography

D. Radionuclide.

Ans:- C


10. Solitary nodule lung cannot be

A. Tuberculoma

B. Neurofibroma

C. Bronchogenic carcinoma

D. Lymphoma

Ans:- D


11. Angle of trachea is increased in which chamber of heart enlargement

A. Left atrium

B. Right atrium

C. Left ventricle

D. Right ventricl

Ans:- A


12. Medusa lock appearance in X- ray seen in

A. Ascariasis

B. Tapeworm

C. Hookworm

D. Ascaris and tapeworm

Ans:- A


13. Signs of increased intracranial tension in a child in a skull X-ray

A. Separation of the sutures

B. Tense anterior fontanelle

C. Silver beaten appearance of the bones

D. All of the above

Ans:- D


14. Echoencephalography is most useful for detecting

A. Ventricular dilatation

B. Midline shift

C. Epilepsy

D. Vascular lesions

Ans:- A


15. X-rays are modified

A. Protons

B. Electrons

C. Neutrons

D. Positrons

Ans:- B


16. “Sentinel loop” appearance on X-ray is seen

A. Acute pancreatitis

B. Chronic pancreatitis

C. Intestinal obstruction

D. Acute appendicitis

Ans:- A


17. The “Target Sign” sonographically means

A. Ovarian carcinoma

B. Ectopic kidney

C. Ntussusception

D. Liver metastasis

Ans:- C


18. Osteosclerotic bone secondaries are seen in

A. Carcinoma thyroid

B. Carcinoma prostate

C. Carcinoma stomach

D. Carcinoma lung

Ans:- B


19. Water soluble contrast media used for myelography is

A. Metrizamide

B. Dianosil

C. Conray

D. Iohexol

Ans:- A


20. Most sensitive test for metastatic deposit is

A. Isotope scan

B. CT Scan

C. Skeletal survey

D. Tomography

Ans:- B


21. Best imaging modality to diagnose liver mass is

A. Plain film

B. Angiography

C. C. T. Scan

D. Nuclear Scan

Ans:- D


22. Characteristics of Benign tumour of lung in X -ray is

A. Size > 5 cms diameter

B. Cavitation

C. Peripheral location

D. Concentric dense calcification.

Ans:- D


23. Scalloping of the edges of sigmoid colon on barium enema is seen in

A. Diverticulitis

B. Crohn’s disease

C. Pneumatosis intestinalis

D. Ulcerative colitis

Ans:- C


24. Widening of the C loop in X-ray is diagnostic of

A. Chronic pancreatitis

B. Carcinoma head of pancreas

C. Periampullary carcinoma

D. Calculi in the ampulla of vater

Ans:- B


25. AH are features of Medulloblas toma except

A. Radio resistant

B. Highly radio sensitive

C. Occurs in first decade

D. Coarctation of aorta d)TDT

Ans:- A


26. Notching of ribs on X- ray is seen in



C. Ebsteins anomaly

D. Coarctation of aorta

Ans:- D


27. Contrast used for MRI


B. Radium

C. Iridium


Ans:- A


28. Saw tooth appearance on abdominal X-ray is seen in

A. Prediverticular state

B. Multiple polyposis

C. Spastic colon

D. Ischemic enteritis

Ans:- B


29. Increased radiolucency of one sided hemithorax may be caused by all except

A. Obstructive emphysema

B. Pneumothorax

C. Expiratory film

D. Patient rotation

Ans:- C


30. Gas in biliary tract is not due to

A. Perforated gastric ulcer

B. Necrotizing enterocolitis

C. Biliary surgery

D. Post-gastrectomy

Ans:- A


31. Egg shell calcification in hilar region is seen in

A. Penumoconiosis

B. T. B.

C. Sarcoidosis

D. Aneurysms

Ans:- A


32. Basal ganglia calcification is not seen in

A. Wilson’s disease

B. Berry anerurysm

C. Cysticercosis

D. Hemangioma

Ans:- A


33. Calcification of meniscal cartilage is a feature of

A. Acromegaly

B. Hyperparathyroidism


C. Reiter’s syndrome

D. Pseudo gout

Ans:- D


34. Sun ray appearance is seen in

A. Osteoclastoma

B. Fibrous dysplasia

C. Osteosarcoma

D. Chondrosarcoma

Ans:- C


35. Investigation of choice in Traumatic paraplegia is


B. CT Scan

C. Myelography

D. Spine X – ray

Ans:- A


36. Interosseous skeletal tumour is best diagnosed by

A. Plain X-ray


C. CT scan

D. CT with scintiscan

Ans:- B


37. Notching of Ribs is seen in

A. Tuberculosis


C. Coarctation of aorta

D. Bronchiectasis

Ans:- C


38. Laminated appearance of X-ray is suggestive of

A. Ewing’s sarcoma

B. Osteoid osteoma

C. Osteoclastoma

D. Multiple myeloma

Ans:- A


39. Full colonic preparation of Barium Enema is contra indicated in all except

A. Acute exacerbation of ulcerative colitis

B. Irritable bowel syndrome

C. Hirschsprung’s disease

D. Colonic obstruction

Ans:- B


40. Right border of the heart in a chest X-ray, is not formed by



C. Right atrium

D. Aorta

Ans:- D


41. Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by

A. X-ray chest

B. Enzyme estimation

C. Radionucleus

D. Blood gas analysis

Ans:- C


42. Right lung is seen to best advantage on the following view

A. Right posterior oblique

B. Right anterior oblique

C. Left anterior oblique

D. Lateral

Ans:- B


43. Early change of pulmonary edema in CXR

A. Batswing appearance

B. Pleural effusion

C. Kerley B lines

D. Ground glass lung field

Ans:- C


44. Investigation to differentiate between pericardial effusion and heart dialation includes

A. X-ray

B. Fluoroscopy

C. Echocardiogram

D. CT scan

Ans:- C


45. Multiple translucent cysts on X- ray are found in the chest. Differential diagnosis includes all except

A. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

B. Congenital adenomatoid bronchogenic diseases

C. Lobar agenesis

D. Bilateral multiple cysts

Ans:- C


46. Onion peel appearance is seen in

A. Citeoclastoma

B. Chondrosarcoma

C. Osteosarcoma

D. Ewings sarcoma

Ans:- D


47. IVU is not done in

A. Multiple myeloma

B. Secondaries in bone

C. Leukaemia

D. Renal tumours

Ans:- A


48. When bones show a ‘Bone within bone’ appearance this is indicative of

A. Sickle cell anemia

B. Bone infarction

C. Osteopetrosis

D. Chronic myelogenous leukaemia

Ans:- C


49. The best view to visualize minimum pneumoperitoneum is

A. Ap view of abdomen

B. Erect film of abdomen

C. Right lateral decubitus with horizontal beam

D. Left lateral decubitus with horizontal team

Ans:- D


50. In fluorescein angiography, dye is injected in

A. Anterior cubital vein

B. Femoral artery

C. Femoral vein

D. Aorta

Ans:- A


51. All of the following are true about iodinated intravascular contrast media except

A. They are used in digital subtraction angiography

B. They are radio opaque

C. They can cause anaphylactic reactions

D. They are used in magnetic resonance imaging

E. They are excreted mainly by the kidneys

Ans:- D


52. Rib notching is produced by

A. Coarctation of Aorta

B. Neurofibromatosis

C. Superior vena caval obstruction

D. All of the above

Ans:- D


53. Widening of the C loop in X- ray is diagnostic of

A. Chronic pancreatitis

B. Carcinoma head of pancreas

C. Periampullary carcinoma

D. Calculi in the ampulla of vater

Ans:- B


54. Which of the following is not a contra indication for IVP?

A. Renal infection

B. Hyperpyrexia

C. Multiple myeloma

D. Skeletal metastases

Ans:- D


55. Perihilar fluffy opacities on chest x-ray is seen in

A. Pulmonary embolism

B. Pericardial effusion

C. Pulmonary arterial hypertension

D. Pulmonary venous hypertension

Ans:- D


56. An aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva usually arise from

A. Right aortic sinus

B. Left aortic sinus

C. Posterior aortic sinus

D. pulmonary outflow tract

Ans:- A


57. Sequestration lung is best diagnosed by

A. CT Scan


C. Barium swallow

D. Angiography

Ans:- D


58. Superior Orbital fissure best view is

A. Plain AP view

B. Cladwell

C. Townes

D. Basal view

Ans:- D


59. Which imaging method is ideal in evaluating hypertension ?

A. Angiography

B. Colour flow Doppler

C. MR Angiography

D. CT Scan

Ans:- C


60. Commonest cause of intracranial calcification is

A. Pineal calcification

B. Intracranial aneurysm

C. Meningioma

D. Tuberculoma

Ans:- A


61. Isotope used in myocardial perfusion scan is

A. Technetium

B. Thallium

C. Stannous pyrophosphate

D. Gallium

Ans:- B


62. Best diagnostic procedure in acute pancreatitis is

A. CT Scan

B. Ultrasound

C. M. R. I.

D. Pipida scan

Ans:- A


63. The most common cause of spontaneous pneumothorax is

A. Rupture of subpleural blebs

B. Pulmonary tuberculosis

C. Bronchial adenoma

D. Bronchogenic carcinoma

Ans:- A


64. Bull’s eye lesion in ultrasonography is seen in

A. Candidiasis

B. Aspergillosis

C. Sporotrichosis

D. Cryptococcosis

Ans:- A


65. Newborn Chest x-ray with Respiratory distress shows multiple air containing lesions in Left Hemithorax and mediastinal shift is suggestive of

A. Neonatal emphysema

B. Diaphragmatic hernia

C. Pneumatocele

D. congenital lung cysts

Ans:- B


66. Radiologically appreciable earliest sign of osteomyelitis is

A. Loss of muscle and fat planes

B. Periosteal reaction

C. Callus formation

D. Presence of sequestrum

Ans:- A


67. Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen in





Ans:- A


68. Obliteration of Left heart border in PA chest X-ray is suggestive of

A. Lingual pathology

B. Left upper lobe lesion

C. Left hilar lymph nodes

D. Left lower lobe lesion

Ans:- A


69. Which of the following is the best test for screening a case of proximal internal
carotid artery stenosis

A. Digital subtraction angiography

B. Magnetic resonance angiography

C. color Doppler ultrasonography

D. CT angiogram

Ans:- C


70. In a case of renal failure with total anuria, ultrasound was found to be normal. Next line of investigation is

A. Retrograde pyelography


C. Anterograde pyelography

D. DTPA renogram

Ans:- B


71. In the plain film of the abdomen small bowel obstruction can be diagnosed by

A. Central location

B. Volvulae connivantes can be made out

C. In the erect film, air fluid levels

D. All of the above

Ans:- D


72. The following is not true of MRI

A. Imaging perfusion of brain

D. Superior to CT scan for bone scanning

C. Blood vessels visualized without contrast

D. presence of Hydrogen ions

Ans:- A


73. Hydrocephalus in children, first seen is

A. Sutural diastasis

B. Post clinoid erosion

C. Large head

D. Thinned out vault

Ans:- B


74. The characteristic X-ray feature of Pancoast tumour is

A. Coin shadow

B. Apical consolidation

C. Apical mass lesion with erosion of neck of 1 & 2 ribs

D. Hilar mass

Ans:- C


75. In nephrogram, one sees

A. Renal capillaries

B. Renal pelvis

C. Only renal cortex

D. Collecting tubules

Ans:- D


76. Ultrasonogram is not useful in

A. CBD stones at the distal end of the CBD

B. Breast cyst

C. Ascites

D. Full Bladder

Ans:- A


77. Suprasellar calcification is seen in

A. Craniopharyngioma

B. Meningioma

C. Conray480

D. Conray 540

Ans:- A


78. IVP is done using

A. Conray240

B. Conray380

C. Calcified pineal gland

D. Pituitary adenoma

Ans:- C


79. Calcification in Heart Wall is suggestive of

A. Scleroderma

B. Carcinoid Syndrome

C. Fibroelastosis

D. Endomyocardial ibrosis

Ans:- B


80. Contrast used in liver scan is

A. Biligraffin

B. 1131 Rose Bengal

C. Gallium 238

D. Thallium 201

Ans:- B


81. Best position for chest X-ray to detect Left Pleural effusion is

A. Left lateral

B. Supine

C. Left lateral decubitus

D. Right lateral decubitus

Ans:- C


82. The number of carpal bones seen in a radiograph of an infant is

A. 0

B. 5

C. 3

D. 2

Ans:- C


83. Investigation of choice to demonstrate verico ureteric reflex


B. Ultra sound

C. Contrast MCU

D. Cystoscopy

Ans:- C


84. Parallel shotgun appearance on ultrasound is seen in

A. Portal hypertension

B. Biliary ascariasis

C. Obstructive jaundice

D. Sclerosing cholangitis

Ans:- C


85. Radiolucent munilocular cyst of the body of mandible is

A. Abscess

B. Adamantinoma

C. Dentigerous cyst

D. Adamantinoma

Ans:- D


86. Best method of detecting minimal bronchiectasis is

A. Abscess

B. Dental cyst

C. Dentigerous cyst

D. Radio nuclide lung scan

Ans:- C


87. The photosensitive material used in X-rays films consists of

A. Cellulite

B. Silver bromide

C. Zinc sulphide

D. Cadmium tungstate

Ans:- B


88. Water lilly appearance in chest X-ray is suggestive of

A. Bronchiectasis

B. Bronchopleural fistula

C. Hydatid cyst

D. Sequestration cyst lung

Ans:- C


89. Retroperitoneal air is not manifested by air along

A. Psoas margins

B. Perinephric area

C. Along spleen

D. Adrenals

Ans:- C


90. The cause of homogenous opacity on X-ray is all except

A. Pleural effusion

B. Diaphragmatic Hernia

C. Massive consolidation

D. Emphysema

Ans:- D


91.1ntracranial calcification in skull X-rays may be

A. Pineal calcifications

B. Dural calcifications

C. Cysticercosis

D. All of the above

Ans:- D


92. Absolute contraindication of IVP is

A. Allergy to drug

B. multiple myeloma

C. Blood urea more than 200mg

D. Idiosyncracy

Ans:- A


93. Parasites that may show calcification on radiographs include

A. Cysticercosis

B. Guinea worm

C. Amoebiasis

D. Loa Loa

Ans:- A


94. Investigation of choice for Multiple sclerosis


B. CT Scan

C. X-ray


Ans:- A


95. Investigation of choice to diagnose sub arachnoid hemorrhage

A. MRI angiography

B. 4 vessel carotid angiography

C. CT scan

D. T2 wave MR

Ans:- B


96. Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by


B. Perfusion scan

C. Angiography

D. Plain X-ray

Ans:- C


97. Radiological signs of perforated viscous include

A. Gas under the dome of the diaphragm

B. Falciform ligament is visualized

C. Air surrounding the bowel is present

D. All of the above

Ans:- D


98. Stryker’s view is used in shoulder joint to visualize

A. Muscle calcification

B. Recurrent subluxation

C. Sub acromial calcification

D. Bicipital groove

Ans:- B


99. The investigation of choice in acute renal failure with complete anuria and normal USG

A. Renal angiography



D. Retrograde Pyelography



100. ‘H’ shaped vertebra is seen in

A. Phenylketonuria

B. Sickle cell anemia

C. Hemangioma

D. Osteoporosis

Ans:- B







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