Best Ultrasound MCQs.
“Best Ultrasound MCQs” Prepare for your ultrasound exams with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Test your knowledge and sharpen your skills in ultrasound imaging, interpretation, and diagnostic techniques. Enhance your understanding of anatomy, pathology, and clinical applications. Get ready to excel in your ultrasound assessments with our MCQs.
1. In a sound wave, the physical quantity varying with time is:
a. voltage
b. magnetic field
c. pressure
d. charge
Ans:- c
2. The wavelength of a 3-MHz sound beam is shortest in:
a. air
b. fat
c. muscle
d. bone
Ans:- a
3. A signal attenuated to 1% of its original intensity corresponds to attenuation (−dB) of:
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. 20
Ans:- d
4. Which of the following has the highest acoustic impedance?
a. Bone
b. Fat
c. Air
d. Water
Ans:- a
5. An ultrasound beam traveling through tissue is least likely to be:
a. absorbed
b. amplified
c. scattered
d. reflected
Ans:- b
6. Reflections are least likely to occur from:
a. smooth surfaces
b. kidney interior
c. fat–kidney interfaces
d. bladder contents
Ans:- d
7. The largest ultrasound reflections most likely occur between soft tissue and:
a. water
b. fat
c. bone
d. air
Ans:- d
8. Snell’s law describes the relation between the:
a. angle of incidence and transmission
b. Fraunhofer angle and wavelength
c. near field and frequency
d. angle of incidence and reflection
Ans:- a
9. Depth gain compensation accounts for tissue attenuation by increasing the:
a. transducer output
b. echo amplification
c. focal length
d. ultrasound velocity
Ans:- b
10. Attenuation of ultrasound in soft tissue at 2 MHz is most likely (dB/cm):
a. 0.25
b. 0.5
c. 1
d. 2
Ans:- c
11. Increasing the transducer thickness is most likely to increase the sound:
a. frequency
b. velocity
c. wavelength
d. intensity
Ans:- c
12. The damping material behind the crystal transducer reduces the:
a. tissue attenuation
b. pulse length
c. operating frequency
d. lateral resolution
Ans:- b
13. An ultrasound near field is made longer when increasing the transducer:
a. operating frequency
b. time gain compensation
c. pulse repetition frequency
d. physical density
Ans:- a
14. A 4-kHz PRF corresponds to a listening time (μs) of:
a. 60
b. 125
c. 250
d. 500
e. 1,000
Ans:- c
15. Ultrasound signals are converted to a video monitor display using:
a. log amplifiers
b. array processors
c. scan converters
d. pulse height analyzers
Ans:- c
16. An echo received 26 μs after the signal is sent is likely from a interface depth (cm) of:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans:- b
17. The matrix size of a digitized ultrasound frame sent to a PACS is most likely:
a. 64 × 64
b. 128 × 128
c. 256 × 256
d. 512 × 512
Ans:- d
18. The most likely frame rate (frames per second) in real-time ultrasound imaging
a. 1
b. 5
c. 20
d. 100
e. 500
Ans:- c
19. Which is least likely an ultrasound display mode?
a. A
b. B
c. T
d. T-M
Ans:- c
20. The Doppler shift from a moving object is least likely to depend on the:
a. ultrasound velocity
b. ultrasound frequency
c. beam direction
d. object depth
Ans:- d
21. The maximum Doppler frequency shift likely occurs when the angle (degrees) between the moving reflector
and ultrasound beam is:
a. 0
b. 23
c. 45
d. 68
Ans:- a
22. What is the minimum PRF (kHz) required to accurately measure a 1-kHz Doppler frequency shift?
a. 0.25
b. 0.5
c. 1
d. 2
Ans:- d
23. In color Doppler, a red intensity most likely signifies that the blood flow is:
a. toward the transducer
b. away from the transducer
c. perpendicular to the transducer
d. generating aliased data
e. turbulent
Ans:- a
24 Choice of frequency in ultrasound is most likely a trade-off between patient
penetration and:
a. image contrast
b. axial resolution
c. lateral resolution
d. speckle noise
Ans:- b
25. Ultrasound with a short pulse length is most likely to result in improved:
a. axial resolution
b. lateral resolution
c. echo intensity
d. tissue penetration
Ans:- a
26. Lateral resolution in ultrasound imaging would most likely be improved by
increasing the:
a. transducer thickness
b. pulse repetition frequency
c. lines per frame
d. frame rate
Ans:- c
27. Shadowing artifacts would be least likely to occur behind:
a. lung
b. bone
c. air cavities
d. bladder
Ans:- d
28. Which of the following is least likely to be an ultrasound artifact?
a. Mirror image
b. Reverberation
c. Edge packing
d. Speed displacement
e. Refraction
Ans:- c
29. B-mode ultrasound beam intensities (W/cm2) are most likely:
a. 0.001
b. 0.01
c. 0.1
d. 10
e. 100
Ans:- b
30 The thermal index (TI) value indicates the possible increase in tissue:
a. cavitation
b. cell death
c. density
d. temperature
Ans:- d
BOOK LINK:- Kurjak, Asim; Chervenak, Frank A 4th Edition, Kindle Edition