What is safelight in x-ray
The darkroom should have a light source which will not fog films and also provide adequate illumination. Safelight lamps serve this purpose, the should have filters of the proper color. The working distance from the safelight to the film should not be less then 1.2 meter and bulb wattage should correspond to that specific on the lamp housing preferably be less than 15 watts.

How to checking the safeness of safe light?
safe light checking by following methods. In good darkroom place unexposed x-ray film on the table with metal piece such as 10 paisa coin it. Expose the film to the safelight with this coin and different timing for 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, and 4 min at different place. Note the time of exposure, where the outline of coin is just visible on the process film. This is the maximum time that that the film can with stands from the safelights without fog. It is not remember the the pre-exposed films are 8 time more sensitive than the unexposed film. Therefore, the film taken out from the test after the x-ray exposure should not be expected to the safe light for more than 1/10 of the time that was selected.
Q) What is used to test the darkroom safe light?
The coins and unexposed x-ray films are used to test the darkroom safelight. The coins are kept on the unexposed film in the darkroom under the safelight for about 8 minutes.
Q) Why are safelight used in darkroom?
The safelight used in darkroom because the safelight provides working light Ina darkroom and the film are very sensitive to other light so the safelight don’t exposed the unexposed film and under the safelight technician can see during developing x-ray films.
Q) Why is red light used in darkroom?
Red light used in darkroom because to allow the x-ray film control light carefully and protect the film for overexposed during developing the film.
Q) What are two areas in a darkroom?
The darkroom have two areas one is dry area and other is wet area.
Q) What is the standard Watt of safelight?
15 watts bulb is used in safelight for double emulsion film and 7 1/2 watts bulb used for single emulsion film.
Q) Do you need ventilation for a darkroom?
Yes we need ventilation for a darkroom because a darkroom for minimum of ten air change per hour for comfort and efficiency.
Q) What is the distance between the safelight and working table or area ?
The distance between the safelight and working table is about 4 feet or 120 cm or 1.2 M