1896 First medical application of x-ray in diagnosis and therapy are made.
1900 The first American radiology organization Star ( The American Roentgen society)
1901 W.C Roentgen receives the first Nobel prize in physics.
1905 Einstein introducing his theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc
1907 The snook interrupterless transformers is introduced.
1913 Bohr theorizes his model of the atom, featuring a nucleus and planetary electrons.
1913 Grid invented.
1913 The Coolidge hot filament x-ray tube is developed.
1917 The cellulose nitrate film base is widely.
1920 Discovered of soluble iodine compounds as contrast media.
1920 The American Society Of Radiology Technologist ( ASRT ) is founded.
1921 The potter- Bucky grid is introduced.
1922 Compton describe the scattered radiation.
1923 Cellulose acetate safety x-ray is introduced.
1925 The first international congress of radiology is convened in London.
1928 The Roentgen is defined as the unit of x-ray intensity.
1929 Forssmann demonstrates cardiac catheterization.
1929 The rotation anode x-ray tube is introduced.
1930 Tomography device are showby several independent investigators.
1932 Blue tint is added to x-ray film.
1932 The U.S. Committee on x-ray and Radium protection ( now the NCRP) issues the first dose limits.
1942 Morgan exhibits an electronic photo timing device.
1942 The Automatic film processor is introduced.
1948 Coltman develops the first fluoroscopic image intensifier.
1951 Multidirectional tomography is introduced.
1953 The rad is officially adopted as the unit of absorbed dose.
1956 Xeroradiography is demonstrated.
1956 First automatic Roller transport film processing is introduced.
1960 Polyester base film is introduced.
1963 Kuhl and Edwards demonstrate single photon emission computed tomography ( SPECT) .
1965 Ninety second rapid processor is introduced.
1966 Diagnostic ultrasonography enters routine use.
1972 Single emission film and one screen mammography become available.
1973 Hounsfield completes development of first computed tomography ( CT) imaging system.
1973 Damadian and Lauterbur produce the first magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ).
1974 Rare earth radiographic intensifying screens are introduced.
1977 Mistretta demonstrates digital Substraction fluoroscopy.
1979 The Nobel prize in physiology or medicine is awarded to Allan Cormack and Godfrey Hounsfield for CT
1980 The first commercial superconducting MRI system is introduced.
1981 Slot scan chest radiography is demonstrated by Barnes.
1981 The international system of units (SI) is adopted by the international commission on Radiation units and measurements ( ICRU).
1982 Picture archiving and communication system ( PACS) become available.
1983 The first grain film emulsion is developed.
1984 Laser stimulable phosphor for computed radiography appear.
1988 A superconducting quantum interference device for magneto encephalography ( MEG) is first used.
1989 The SI adopted by the NCRP and most scientific and medical societies.
1990 The Xeromammography system is produced.
1990 Helical CT is introduced.
1991 Twin slice CT is developed.
1992 The mammography quality standard Acts ( MQSA) is passed.
1996 Digital radiography that uses thin film transistor ( TFT) is developed.
1997 Charge coupled device ( CCD) digital radiography is introduced.
1997 Amorphous selenium flat panel image receptor is demonstrated by Rowlands.
1998 Multislice CT is introduced.
1998 Amorphous silicon CsI image receptor is demonstrated for digital radiography.
2000: The first direct digital mammographic imaging system is made .
2002 Sixteen slice helical CT is introduced.
2002 Positrons emission tomography is introduced in routine clinical service.
2003 The Nobel in physiology or medicine is awarded to Paul Lauterbur and sir peter Mansfield for MRI.
2004 Sixtyfour slice helical CT is introduced.
2005 Dual source CT is announced ( Siemens)
2007 320 slice helical CT is introduced ( Toshiba).
2009 NCRP Report No. 160 ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the united states 2006 is published.
2002 sixteen slice Helical ct is introduction